====== Nginx as Reverse Proxy for Docker Containers ====== **Important Notice:** This is an example for a Reverse Proxy. I will be using Traefik to [[:computer_science:docker:traefik_docker_https_ssl_for_containers|Implementing HTTPS / SSL with Traefik on Docker Containers]] down the line. So use this guide if you want to keep to nginx, else I would recommend going with Traefik. ---- My setup for the docker env. is the same as described on [[:computer_science:docker:docker_dokuwiki_portable|my DokuWiki Docker Container Portable]], even though this should have almost zero effect even if the system is different (yay, docker!). The materials that I used to learn / troubleshoot / implement this setup: * [[https://docs.docker.com/|https://docs.docker.com/]] * [[https://www.domysee.com/blogposts/reverse-proxy-nginx-docker-compose|https://www.domysee.com/blogposts/reverse-proxy-nginx-docker-compose]] ===== Why use a Reverse-Proxy? ===== I will be using a Nginx Server as a Reverse Proxy, so that a) I can host multiple containers which need to be available in the same ports, b) I don't have to access the containers by memorizing ports therefore being able to use carlossousa.tech/wiki or wiki.carlossousa.tech instead of the port and c) easy expandability for new services / containers. ===== Requirements for Reverse Proxy with Nginx in a Docker Container ===== For Nginx as a Reverse Proxy inside Docker we only need 3 basic things: - Mapping of the host ports to the container ports - Mapping a config file to the default Nginx config file - /etc/nginx/nginx.conf - A Nginx config ===== Sample Nginx Reverse Proxy - nginx.conf - configuration ===== A sample nginx reverse proxy config file - nginx.conf - would like something like this: http { server { server_name your.server.url; location /yourService1 { proxy_pass http://localhost:80; rewrite ^/yourService1(.*)$ $1 break; } location /yourService2 { proxy_pass http://localhost:5000; rewrite ^/yourService1(.*)$ $1 break; } } server { server_name another.server.url; location /yourService1 { proxy_pass http://localhost:80; rewrite ^/yourService1(.*)$ $1 break; } location /yourService3 { proxy_pass http://localhost:5001; rewrite ^/yourService1(.*)$ $1 break; } } } ===== A Nginx Reverse-Proxy sample docker-compose.yml ===== would be something like: version: '3' services: nginx: image: nginx:latest container_name: production_nginx volumes: - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf - ./nginx/error.log:/etc/nginx/error_log.log - ./nginx/cache/:/etc/nginx/cache - /etc/letsencrypt/:/etc/letsencrypt/ ports: - 80:80 - 443:443 your_app_1: image: your_app_1_image:latest container_name: your_app_1 expose: - "80" your_app_2: image: your_app_2_image:latest container_name: your_app_2 expose: - "80" your_app_3: image: your_app_3_image:latest container_name: your_app_3 expose: - "80" ===== Pratical Example ===== ==== Making the Reverse Proxy ==== Let's go ahead and create our folder and create our 2 required files, the docker-compose.yml and the nginx.conf. Navigate to your desired folder and run: mkdir nging-reverseproxy touch docker-compose.yml touch nginx.conf Using your favourite method, deploy your **docker-compose.yml **setup. I will be using the good old 'nano'. My configuration would be as follows: version: '3' volumes: dokuwiki_data: external: true dokuwiki_conf: external: true dokuwiki_lib-plugins: external: true dokuwiki_lib-tpl: external: true dokuwiki_logs: external: true services: nginx: image: nginx:latest container_name: nginx_reverseproxy volumes: - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf - ./nginx/error.log:/etc/nginx/error_log.log - ./nginx/cache/:/etc/nginx/cache - /etc/letsencrypt/:/etc/letsencrypt/ ports: - 80:80 - 443:443 dokuwiki: image: 'mprasil/dokuwiki' container_name: 'dokuwiki_zebra' expose: - '80' volumes: - dokuwiki_data:/dokuwiki/data - dokuwiki_conf:/dokuwiki/conf - dokuwiki_lib-plugins:/dokuwiki/lib/plugins - dokuwiki_lib-tpl:/dokuwiki/lib/tpl - dokuwiki_logs:/var/log And now we edit the **nginx.conf **to point back to our DokuWiki. Note that I will already configure a sub-domain and a main domain, which at the moment would both point to the same container, but once we make [[:computer_science:docker:docker_wordpress_homepage_portable|Wordpress Homepage ToGo with Docker]] we can change just the service name and everything should work properly. events { } http { #error_log /etc/nginx/error_log.log warn; client_max_body_size 20m; proxy_cache_path /etc/nginx/cache keys_zone=one:500m max_size=1000m; server { server_name wiki.carlossousa.tech; location / { include /etc/nginx/includes/proxy.conf; proxy_pass http://dokuwiki:80/; } } server { server_name carlossousa.tech; location / { include /etc/nginx/includes/proxy.conf; proxy_pass http://dokuwiki:80/; } } } And finally we will once again create a **backup_to_tar.sh **so we can backup our nginx Reverse Proxy setup: #!/bin/bash SOURCE_PATH="/home/docker-user/nginx-reverseproxy" BACKUP_PATH="/home/docker-user/backups" BACKUP_NAME="nginx-reverseproxy" tar cvf "$BACKUP_PATH"/"$BACKUP_NAME"-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M").tar -C "$SOURCE_PATH" .