====== Cantonese Style Scrambled Eggs ====== Part of [[health_and_wellness:cooking:cooking|Cooking Recipes]] ===== Steps ===== Assuming we are using 5 eggs. ^Step^Task^Info| |1|Separate into Whites and Yolk|If you pro, go directly to step 3| |2|Whisker the Whites into you see bubbles| | |3|Combine the Whites and Yolk again, and mix them briefly| | |4| \\ Add Seasoning: \\ + 1/2 Tsp Salt \\ + 1/2 Tsp Sugar \\ + 1 Tsp Water \\ \\ \\ - 1 Tsp Sesame Oil / Lard \\ - White Pepper \\ - Chicken Powder \\ - Wine \\ |+ you should add \\ - is optional, but recommended \\ | |5|Mix until you see bubbles| | |6|Make you Wok burning out, add Lard until it bubbles, then turn off the heat to minimum|Butter also works, slightly different taste| |7|Add eggs mixture| | |8|Repeating, once you see bubbles on the side of the egg, remove the Wok from the heat, and move the (now) solid sides to the top|The idea is to prevent any part of the egg to becoming overdone, so the solid (semi-done) goes back to the middle of liquid (un-done) \\ \\ Think of layering \\ \\ If you working with a normal pan, put 1/4 of the Pan over the heat and the rest off, and do the same method| ===== Example ===== {{:life:cooking:recipes:cantonese_style_scrambled_eggs.jpg?400}}