Techniques to Identify and Protect Against Scams or Phishing Attacks

Tags: #cybersecurity #security #secops #email #phishing #scam

Last Reviewed: 26/08/2024

Verify the 'From' Domain:

Inspect the 'Reply-To' Field:

​​​​​​​Check 'Mailed By' and 'Signed By':

​​​​​​​Look for 'Via' in Gmail:

​​​​​​​Use Email Authentication Records (SPF, DKIM, DMARC):

​​​​​​​Examine the Domain Closely:

​​​​​​​Check for Unicode and ASCII Characters:

​​​​​​​Inspect the Full Email Headers:

​​​​​​​Be Wary of Unexpected Attachments or Links:

​​​​​​​Critical Thinking and Awareness:

​​​​​​​Use Spam Filters and Anti-Phishing Tools:

​​​​​​​Check for Grammatical Errors and Unusual Language:

​​​​​​​Hover Over Links to Verify URLs:

​​​​​​​Verify Requests Through Official Channels:

​​​​​​​Monitor Financial Statements and Accounts:

​​​​​​​Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

​​​​​​​Update Software Regularly:

​​​​​​​Educate Yourself and Others:

​​​​​​​Report Phishing Attempts:

​​​​​​​Use Email Sandboxing or Virtual Machines for Suspicious Attachments: