Table of Contents

Quick Software Development Checklist

A simple checklist that I keep for sanity check if / when I need to move development environments and want to make sure I'm ready to go.

Software Setup

  1. Operating System: Either PopOS or chosen based on project requirements (Windows, macOS).
  2. Code Editors and IDEs: VSCodium
  3. Version Control: Git + External GitLab / GitHub / GitTea instance.
  4. Package Managers: Depending on language (eg: npm, pip, etc).
  5. Terminal and Shell: Zsh with Oh My Zsh
  6. Database Tools: phpMyAdmin, DBeaver
  7. API Development Tools: insomnia, bruno
  8. Virtualization Software: Docker, Kubernetes, Vagrant, Terraform

Development Environment

  1. Programming Languages: Install necessary compilers/interpreters.
  2. Frameworks and Libraries: Based on project requirements.
  3. Linter and Formatter: No preference
  4. Build Tools: Make, Gradle, or Webpack.
  5. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Tools: Jenkins, GitHub Actions.
  6. Testing Frameworks: Unit and integration testing tools relevant to the stack.


  1. Dotfiles Repository: Configurations and settings.
  2. Automate Repetitive Tasks: Scripts or automation tools.
  3. SSH Keys: Secure access to remote (development and / or production) servers.