====== Linux Cheatsheet ====== [[:computer_science:linux:linux|Linux]] Cheatsheet ===== Jobs: ===== ^Command^Description^Syntax^Example^Notes| |jobs|List jobs running in the background| jobs |jobs| | |bg|Changes a job to the background.| bg %n |bg %1| being the value from a job.| |fg|Changes a job to the foreground.| fg %n |fg %2| being the value from a job.| \\ ===== tmux ===== ^Command^Description^Syntax| |tmux list-sessions|Shows all live tmux sessions| tmux list-sessions | |tmux attach| \\ Attaches to the last active tmux session. \\ \\ The session can be specified. \\ | tmux attach tmux attach-session -t | |CTRL+B - D|Dettachs to the current tmux session| CTRL+B - D | |CTRL+B - %|Creates a New Horizontally Aligned Tab| CTRL+B - % | |CTRL+B - "|Creates a New Vertically Aligned Tab| CTRL+B - " | |CTRL+B - Arrows|Moves to existent Tabs| CTRL+B - Arrows | \\ ===== Disks and File Transfer: ===== ^Command^Description^Syntax^Notes| | \\ scp -r * remoteuser@remoteserver:/remote/folder/ |Copy all files and folders recursively from local to remote| scp -r * remoteuser@remoteserver:/remote/folder/ | | |du -sh /mnt/zebrabackup01/test |Shows folder size| du -sh /mnt/zebrabackup01/test | | |ls|Shows object cont in folder| ls | wc -l | | | du -smh * | sort -nr | head -15 |List Files by Size in Human Readable Way > Sort and Reverse it > Show Top 15| du -smh * | sort -nr | head -15 | | \\ ===== Administration: ===== ^Command^Description^Syntax^Notes| |ip a \\ **OR** \\ ifconfig|Check your machine IPs| ip a ifconfig | | |dmidecode –type memory|Shows the installed memory on your system| dmidecode --type memory | | | find /var/log -type f -regex ".*\.gz$" find /var/log -type f -regex ".*\.[0-9]$" |Find Rotated and Compressed Logs| find /var/log -type f -regex ".*\.gz$" find /var/log -type f -regex ".*\.[0-9]$" |Add '-delete' to actually delete the files found. | | for CLEAN in $(find /var/log/ -type f) do cp /dev/null $CLEAN done |Empty all Log Files| for CLEAN in $(find /var/log/ -type f) do cp /dev/null $CLEAN done |Deleting the files can cause issues. Emptying them is safer and recommended. | | sudo !! |Re-run last command as root| nano /etc/example.log sudo !! | | |CTRL+x+e |Opens an editor, to create long / complex commands. Runs on saving|In Terminal: \\ CTRL+x+e \\ ls -l \\ CTRL+X \\ ENTER| | |fc |Opens the last command in an editor to make it easier to fix it.| fc | | |disown -a && exit |Exit Terminal but leave all processes running| disown -a && exit | | \\