====== Making a Map with POI ====== This guide is about making a map with POI, which then will be used to show places where I've traveled, showing a few Photos taken and a second POI layer from places I want to visit. |Live Preview|[[http://travel.carlossousa.tech|http://travel.carlossousa.tech]]| |Screenshot|[[https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/4pRZvaSj7vP0LpwZJ-oZVFm4rnUMM3MOfKFJW-TpBlgCUd3ME51aALtBKRWD9f9BL9VckFB1SEpkhA=w2560-h1018|Screenshot @ GoogleDrive]]| We will be using [[https://www.mapbox.com/|https://www.mapbox.com/]] for the map source and [[https://leafletjs.com/|https://leafletjs.com/]] to add the POI itself to the map. \\