docker & docker-compose - Cheatsheet

Usefull commands for docker and docker-compose

docker-compose up -dStarts the Container and dettach (so you have your bash prompt back)
docker-compose downStops the Container
docker-compose psChecks the status of the Container
docker-exec -ti <container-name> /bin/bashOpens a Shell Prompt inside a Container (so you can troubleshoot)
docker save <image> > file.tarSaves an Image to a Tar file
Eg.: docker save nginx:latest > nginx_backup.tar
docker load < file.tarLoads a Tar file as an Image
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)Stops all Containers. You can use “rm” instead of “stop” to remove them!
docker build --tag <tag> .
To be run from the directory where “dockerfile” lives. Will create an Image with the tag provided. Eg.: docker build –tag tornscrapper:0.1
docker images -a | grep none | awk '{ print $3; }' | xargs docker rmi
Delete dangling images and / or images that have a “none” tag.
Might be helpful if “docker image prune” doesn't remove those.