Using Fail2Ban on Linux
Install Fail2Ban
Use your package manager of choice to install fail2ban. In my case, since I'm using Ubuntu:
sudo apt install fail2ban
Configure Fail2Ban
There are two main configuration files in Fail2Ban:
- /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.conf
This is the configuration file for the operational settings of the Fail2Ban daemon. Settings like loglevel, log file, socket and pid file is defined here.
- /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
This is the file where you can configure things like default ban time, number of reties before banning an IP, whitelisting IPs, mail sending information etc.
Start by creating a local copy of the files with:
cd /etc/fail2ban && cp jail.conf jail.local && cp fail2ban.conf fail2ban.local
Edit the files at your will. The recommendation is to leave the .conf files alone, and change only the .local files.
A Recommendation
bantime = 30m findtime = 24m # Set FindTime for an entire day maxretry = 5
Enable Fail2Ban
Start the service with:
systemctl start fail2ban
If you don't receive any error, set it to auto run with:
systemctl enable fail2ban
Log and Management
You can check the log with:
cat /var/log/fail2ban.log
See banned IPs with:
fail2ban-client status <jail-name>
Unban an IP with:
fail2ban-client set <jail-name> unbanip <ip-address>
Add a Whitelist IP with:
fail2ban-client set <jail-name> addignoreip <ip-address>