Offline Sync GoogleDrive in Linux
Part of Linux
- Install rclone and rclone-browser (GUI for rclone)
sudo apt install rclone -y && sudo apt install rclone-browser -y
- Start rclone-browser
- Under “Remotes”, choose “Config…”
- Create a new config - n - and follow the instructions along
- You will need a Google OAuth2 key to have a ClientID and a Secret
- Mount the drive inside rclone-browser - Under “Remotes” click “Open”
- Click “Download” under <configName> and set Options as:
- Mode: Sync - Delete after transfering
- Task Description - give a logical name for the task
- Save Task and Run it
If you want to have it run on a timer, use cronjob / anacron. You can find the command to run the rclone task under “Jobs” > “Copy command to clipboard”.